How we evaluate your progress
We believe that students acquire more from their studies in the English language via a system of continuous evaluation and control.
We check and evaluate your progress throughout the duration of our program of studies, by taking into consideration the following:
  • Work in class.
  • Homework.
  • Tests.

Work in class

Your professor will evaluate you for your work in class taking into consideration your oral abilities (accent, fluenty of speech and correctness), as well as the degree of attendance and your collaboration in activities in class and, of course, your general progress.


The grades for your homework are based on at least six written tasks on average, what are assigned and graded by your professor.


Our tests are designed specifically for each level based on the teaching material and the material that is covered in class.
Guidance and providing advice to students.
You will be called to attend individual congresses of guidance and benefit of advice with your professor in the end of each four-month period in February and June. This gives you the possibility of discussing confidentially and personally your progress and of leading to strategies for further improvement.


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